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Orange County Criminal Attorney

Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys Law Firm, we believe the tried-and-true axiom: “none of us are as strong as all of us”

A successful defense requires many, many parts. Skill, experience, dedication, passion, zeal... just to name a few. Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, we understand the multifaceted nature of a good defense, and we strive to offer you the very best.

We are an experienced law firm; over many years of experience practicing solely in criminal defense.

That is not all. Aside from our wealth of experience, we also understand the importance of personalized attention, which produces dedication, passion, and in turn, favorable results. We give every one of our clients the personal email and cellphone numbers of our attorneys. We are available to answer questions at night, during weekends, or even during the holidays. This is because we appreciate the importance of client care.

Our dedication to our clients, in turn, help our clients to be absolutely prepared for their day in court. We will know your needs. We will know your concerns. We will know what YOU want.

In short, we want to combine experience and skill with dedication and zeal; this way, we can secure the best possible outcome in every case. A great defense is the fruit of many parts, and our goal is to give our clients all the necessary parts for a successful day in court.

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Our Approach

Navigating through the DMV, the court, and the prosecutor requires a lawyer with skill, experience, and zeal. The lawyer must understand the client’s individual needs, the unique aspects of the client’s case, and craft a plan of attack accordingly.

For example, an active-duty military client will need special attention in areas different from another client who is applying for college. Likewise, someone who travels to Canada for work will have different immigration concerns than another who is applying for his or her U.S. green card.

Here, at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, we reject the idea that there is a “one-size-fits-all” approach to DUI cases. Despite popular misconception, no two DUI’s are identical. Even factually similar cases will differ based on the client’s individual needs and concerns.

A good lawyer will listen to your specific concerns, devise the best plan of attack, and execute that plan skillfully and zealously. This way, you achieve the best possible outcome FOR YOU.

Defending a DUI is not just about what happens in court. A good defense strategy must also include getting information from the DMV, comparing the information with discovery through the District Attorney, and making sure that the client is actively working to mitigate the damage. This is before more legal-oriented issues such as whether the search/seizure was lawful, whether all the evidence are admissible under the law, etc. Going to court unprepared is a surefire path to disaster.

The vast majority of DUI defense is done in confidence; meaning off the record. For example, going to AA meeting to show that you are actively rehabilitating yourself. Or subpoenaing the chemical test logs to ensure that the collected samples are accurate. These actions are not done in court, but form the foundation for a successful court argument. Wasting the precious time between the time of your arrest and your court date can severely impair your ability to secure a positive disposition.

That is why it is extremely important for you to call us as soon as possible after your arrest. This way, we can immediately contact the DMV to contest your license suspension. And we can request that the police report and related documents be disclosed to us. From there, we know what we are dealing with and can craft a plan. Going to court not even knowing what the police officers and the prosecutor have against you is, simply put, “life malpractice.”

Before you lock Picture
  1. Can We Meet In Person For a Consultation?
  2. How Many Years of Experience Do You Have?
  3. How Many Cases Have You Handled?
  4. Who Will Be The Attorney Directly Handling My Case?
  5. What Are The AVVO Reviews for My Assigned Attorney?
  6. How Accessible Will My Attorney Be To Me?
  7. What Areas of Law Do You Focus On?
  8. What Courts Do You Primarily Work At?
  9. How Do You Decide What Types of Cases You Accept?
  10. What Are Your Fees and Do You Accept Payment Plans?

One of the Biggest Mistakes People Make is to Hire an Attorney Without Physically Meeting With Them. Never Hire an Attorney Sight Unseen!

A Conviction Can Result In

  • Loss of Driving Privileges.
  • Probation.
  • Fines.
  • Court-Mandated Classes.
  • Custody in Jail.
  • Loss of Educational or Occupational Opportunities.
  • Adverse Immigration Consequences.

*New Law SB393 Seal Your Record or Arrest - Click Here

*Breaking News... If You Are In The U.S. On A Non-Immigrant Visa and Arrested for DUI - Click Here

*You Only Have a Few Days to Request a DMV Hearing Before Automatic Suspension on DUIs 

Servicio En Español 24 Horas Del Dia, 7 Dias De La Semana - 949-435-9992

There is a tremendous amount of literature in popular media about the field of criminal defense. Sadly, much of the literature is filled with misinformation.As our attorneys explain, “there is 2 general prongs of criminal defense: quality control and damage control.”

As defense attorneys, we are, first and foremost, the quality control of the criminal justice system. In other words, we hold actors within the criminal justice system accountable. A biased judge? We must push hard to preserve our clients’ right to a fair trial. Overzealous or overcharging prosecutor? We have a duty to litigate tirelessly to ensure our clients are treated fairly. Lying cops? It is our duty to point out any inconsistencies, and separate facts from fiction.

Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, our attorneys appreciate our duty as the quality control of the criminal justice system. We will research, investigate, and litigate any unfairness against our clients. We will not get pushed around. We will not just take what the prosecutor says at face value. We will do everything we can to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality of justice they deserve.

Even assuming that all of the government’s actions are proper, there is still another important aspect of criminal defense: damage control. This prong of criminal defense does not focus on guilt or innocence; instead, we ask “what is the fair outcome given the circumstances?”

Custody in jail or prison is always an option for the judge, but often not the best option. For example, a person may merely need a rehab program, or an anger management class. If the defendant seems to have learned their lesson, then community service would be sufficient punishment. There exists a wide range of sentencing options for a judge in any given case.

But how would a judge decide? That is where damage control comes into play. Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, we understand that every client will have different needs and concerns, and we will do everything in our power to help our clients address them. We will argue, passionately and skillfully, that our clients deserve leniency. We believe that no one should be defined by their worst moment; a lapse in judgment DOES NOT mean that you are a “criminal.”

Handling Your Own Dui Is Basically “Life Malpractice”

If I tell you something can cause you to lose your job, lose your immigration status, cause you to be expelled from school, or send you to jail, your response should never be “I think I can learn on the fly how to handle this.” It would be medical malpractice for a doctor to think this way in a similar situation; just as it would be legal malpractice for a lawyer to behave this way.

Everyday, anywhere between 20 to 50 people charged with DUI will appear in a particular courtroom. All of them will have different concerns, and different facts. But, to the court and the prosecutor, they are merely their case numbers. The key in every defense should be to become WHO YOU ARE, and not case number 29 on the calendar. This way, the DUI becomes “a stupid one time mistake I made because I was hanging out with my friend who returned from deployment in Afghanistan,” and not just “the 29th DUI on calendar today.”

To separate yourself from the crowd, you need a dedicated lawyer working for you. Of the 50 or so people in court, most of them will have gone in with no preparation. Now imagine your lawyer going into court, with documents showing that you have a stable job, a good family, and proof of your efforts to rehabilitate. Your lawyer knows what is acceptable to you, and what you absolutely must avoid. You can see how the judge and the prosecutor will treat your case more seriously, and begin to view you as WHO YOU ARE, and not “just another DUI.”

Do not commit life malpractice. Let a dedicated, skilled, experienced attorney help you. We will investigate your case zealously, and listen to your concerns patiently. This is the only way to achieve the best possible outcome for YOU.

Our Promise

Personal Appearances; Not Just An “Appearance Attorney”

Knowing our clients is great and all, but it means nothing if the attorney is not in court and putting the information to good use. Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, unlike other firms, we promise that we will make the appearances ourselves. The attorney will go to court prepared, and armed with all the information necessary to zealously defend your rights. You will KNOW the attorney who appeared on your case, always.

Unlike other firms, we are not a “mill.” We don’t just hire some random “appearance attorney.” We are in court personally, ready to defend our clients.

Don’t settle; the difference between an appearance attorney who knows nothing about you, and a dedicated attorney who has personally reviewed your file is enormous. Let the attorneys here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys show you the difference.

A “One-Size-Fits-All” Approach to Criminal Defense Is Really A “One-Size-Fits-None” Approach

Look back to the above list of potential consequences in a criminal case, the range is wide and different people will understandably have different concerns. As such, how can any attorney ever take a “one-size-fits-all” approach to their clients’ cases?

Unfortunately, in many situations, criminal defense attorneys are simply too busy to explore all of their clients’ individual needs. The end result can be tragic. For example, while a prospective medical student may be more concerned about going to jail and less about traveling to Canada, a businessman who travels to Canada weekly for business may prioritize avoiding a DUI conviction over jail time. Likewise, a green card holder will likely accept custody if it means preserving his or her legal resident status, whereas a tourist will much prefer fines and classes in lieu of custody.

The point is this: no two cases -no two clients- are the same. Every client deserves individualized attention and dedication.

Here at Orange County Criminal Attorneys, we reject the “one-size-fits-all” approach to criminal defense. We believe that our clients’ needs always come first. We will interview our clients, determine the client’s specific needs, and tailor our defense strategy to address those needs. Our promise to you is that we will treat you as a person, not merely another case file.

Stages and Charges Of a Criminal Case

The Different Stages of A Criminal Case
How Does A Criminal Prosecution Actually Work?
Common Criminal Cases and Possible Consequences


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Contact a Skilled Orange County Criminal Attorney Near You

The above are just a few examples of how a Criminal conviction can ruin your life. And this is not even an exhaustive list!

Even before a conviction, life can be made life extremely difficult for you by the courts and the system. With DUIs This power is given to the DMV through the California Vehicle Code, which comprises of an extremely complex set of statutes and can limit your privileges.

The point is this: a criminal case is no small matter, and no one should take it lightly. If handled improperly, it can seriously disturb your life.

Call Us Now to Receive A Free Case Consultation At 714-831-1858